Inspired by Jeff Geerling’s complete list of sponsor disclosures, I thought I’d work on my own page. This lists every company I’ve worked with in some form, alphabetically, and if any of these agreements were sponsored financially.
All links to Amazon and Ebay on my channel are affiliate links. If I am a part of any other affiliate programs, I’ll note it below.
Relevant Video: Aiffro K1 Review
Aiffro provided this unit for the review, including one 256G boot NVMe boot drive.
After the video, they reached out again with the same email text as before, and I asked if they wanted to supply 2 additional units for a 3-node cluster, and they declined.
Relevant Video: AirGradient Review
AirGradient sent me two AirGraient DIY kits for review.
Aurga Viewer⌗
Relevant Video: Aurga Viewer Review
I reached out to them requesing to review the product. They provided the unit for review.
Relevant Video: Creality Falcon 2 Pro Review
Creality sent me the laser and accessories for review. I provided my own stock materials.
After completing the video, the laser was used by the robotics team for a year, until they sold it to upgrade to a CO2 laser which can cut Delrin. The Creality laser was better at wood and vinyl graphics.
Relevant Videos:
Elecrow sent me the items for review, including a number of sensors to use with the LoRa board which I did not use.
Elecrow has an affiliate program which I am a part of, it has not produced a significant revenue for me.
Fikwot SSD⌗
Relevant Video: Fikwot SSD Video
Fikwot sent me one NVMe SSD for me to use in a video.
Relevant Videos:
Flexispot provided the standing desk and chair for both videos. Additionally, they offer standing desks very frequently, and they were easy to work with.
Relevant video: Goldenmate UPS Review
Goldenmate reached out wanting to provide the UPS for a full video. I agreed to include it in a longer video on my power problems and power metering setup.
In Early 2025, they uploaded my video in its entirety onto their own channel, and I submitted a copyright claim on their copy of my video, and it is now removed. They have not contacted me about it.
Icewhale (Zima)⌗
Relevant Video: ZimaBoard Review
Icewhale sent me the unit for review.
Relevant Videos:
JetKVM sent me the unit, extra PCB, and some accessories in the box. I was not a part of the Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign in any way, I did not back the product or purchase additional units on my own.
I have also submitted bug reports to their Github, both before and after it was made public.
I followed-up with a security review, and have now committed minor fixes to their Github which have been accepted and merged.
Relevant Videos:
The K3 touchscreen keyboard and Stream Dock were both sent for review. They also offered many different laptop screen extensions, which I have turned down.
I stopped using the K3 full time when the USB-C cable started to become flaky. I now use the K3 as a portable keyboard+monitor when I need to take my workstation to events for live streaming.
Relevant Video: Lincstation N1 Review
Lincstation sent me the unit for review.
Relevant Video: Mele Mini PC Review
Mele sent me the mini PC for review.
Relevant Video: RISC-V Video
Milk-V provided one Duo, breakout board, and camera for review.
I additionally purchased 50 Duos and 10 Cameras to distribute in the US on my own. I still have 4 remaining to use for my own projects.
Relevant Video: Minisforum MS-A1 Review
Minisforum sent me the MS-A1 for review. I previously had contacting them requesting an MS-O1 for review, but did not hear back about that.
Additionally, I reported the hardware issues with my MS-A1 to my marketting contact. He replied that he was on vacation and would forward my questions to a coworker, but I never heard a reply. After a week of waiting, I published the video, and still have not heard back.
Relevant Video: Openterface KVM Review
Openterface sent me their full kit (including optional cables) for review, and additionally provided beta versions of the macOS app through Test Flight prior to releasing it publicly. The Windows/Linux app is open source and was already released publicly.
I was not a part of the Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign in any way, I did not back the product or purchase additional units on my own.
Relevant Video: Patchbox
Patchbox sent me the hardware in the video. Initially I was only going to look at the Patchbox itself, but they really wanted to include the setup tool and rack studs.
Relevant Video: Peladn WO4 Review
Peladn sent me the unit for review.
Relevant Video: Pi-Cast KVM Review
Pi-Cast sent me two units, and two sets of ATX extension hardware for review.
Private Internet Access⌗
Relevant Video: PIA Sponsor Spot
PIA paid for a sponsored spot in this video. Additionally, I am a part of their affiliate program.
I do not plan on working with them again. Going forward, I am only going to work with VPN companies which support IPv6.
Relevant Video: OPNsense Basics
Protectli provided an FW4C for the video, and also a branded cup which I use.
I purchased my own FW4B in 2021 before starting Youtube and continue to use it. I plan on replacing it with the FW4C.
Proxmox Server Solutions Gmbh⌗
Proxmox sent me a T-shirt, pen, and flashdrive.
Relevant Video: Reolink Duo 3
Reolink sent me two identical Duo 3 cameras for review. I damaged one camera due to poor waterproofing of the connector, which caused water to pool and corrode the RJ45 female connection.
Reolink has offered additional cameras. I will only look at their models which support cloud-free RTSP control (which is mostly their wired cameras).
Relevant Video: Sipeed NanoKVM
Sipeed provided 3x NanoKVM units for review - Lite, base model, and PCIe. I did not inform them of the security issues prior to releasing the video. However, all of the issues I highlighted were already disclosed via their Github issues and had an insufficient response from Sipeed.
Sipeed responded publicly here.
Relevant Video: Smallstep EAP-TLS
Smallstep paid me to produce a video showing their new EAP-TLS configurtion feature of their cloud hosted software. I had previously made content on my own of their open-source offerings, and continue to use their open-source solution.
Smallstep additionally provided me with Bill Wi, my Unifi Dream Router, as they wanted to demonstrate EAP-TLS using the Unifi ecosystem.
SmartWave Shades⌗
Relevant Video: How will Matter and Thread revolutionize Home Automation
SmartWave sent two motorized roller shades for the video, and all accessories shown in the video. They initially wanted a review video, but I instead suggested a demonstration of their product in the context of Matter, which they agreed to.
Relevant Video: Synology Review
Synology sent me both NAS units for review. They have offered many consumer level products, and I asked them to continue to send me new items as they are available, but I have not yet found any unique enough.
Relevant Videos:
Terramaster sent me those products for review, without any drives.
Relevant Videos:
TESMart provided the units for review.
Additionally, I am a part of a TESmart affiliate program.
Relevant Videos:
Ugreen sent the two NAS units for review. Ugreen also included drives in branded packaging (4x 4T spinning drives for the HDD, and 4x Samsung 980s for the NVMe unit).
After this review, they paid me to produce an ad spot for their chargers on my channel.
Additionally, they unprompted sent me a Christmas box which included a Ugreen branded mug, and a letter from the wrong year.
Relevant Video: Zenarmor Review
Zenarmor provided me with a 6-month small business license for evaluation in a video.