Setting Up my Creality CR-10 MAX
In this project, I’m going to setup my Creality CR-10 MAX in the same way that I’ve setup my Prusa i3 MK3S. I’ll continue to update this page as I make progress, instead of splitting the project into multiple parts like I did for the Prusa. My goals for the project are as follows:
- OctoPi install, printer profile in OctoPrint, remote mount filesystem, and MQTT - Completed Here
- PrusaSlicer profile for the CR-10 MAX - Completed, Not Published
- Power control and monitoring - Not Started
- HomeAssistant integration, including better notifications including which printer is done (currently my notifications assume ‘columbia’ is done) - In Progress
- LED status indicators - Not Started
- Camera mount for the wide angle camera - Completed Here
- Camera mount for the nozzle camera - Not Started
- Dealing with the lack of USB power/isolation of the Creality printers (The printer controller and LCD will stay on powered by the USB port) - Not Started
Most notably, I will not be building a box for this printer at this point in time.
The Project Files and Parts List⌗
Here are all of the files and parts required to replicate this project. All of my design files are licensed Creative Commons CC-BY-SA.
- Creality CR-10 MAX Printer
- Raspberry Pi Model 3 B - I like Adafruit, but the Pi’s are often out of stock, so shop around
- Fula-Flex 2.0
- Tiny Machines 3D’s Marlin Firmware for CR-10 MAX